[sshtunnel.py:notify_exception_error:233]: Traceback (most recent call last) | Use module Crypto.Signature.pkcs1_15 instead
Recently I started getting the following error in a script that never had any problems in the past:
NotImplementedError: Use module Crypto.Signature.pkcs1_15 instead
There wasn’t much information related to this error in regards to Paramiko. Eventually I was able to “fix” it by running:
sudo -H pip uninstall paramiko
sudo -H pip uninstall pycrypto
sudo -H pip install paramiko
NotImplementedError: Use module Crypto.Signature.pkcs1_15 instead
There wasn’t much information related to this error in regards to Paramiko. Eventually I was able to “fix” it by running:
sudo -H pip uninstall paramiko
sudo -H pip uninstall pycrypto
sudo -H pip install paramiko
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